martes, 26 de junio de 2012

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viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Food habits of physical practice sports II

   From the area of ​​physical education can promote practices that help students become aware of the importance of food in their day to day. The importance of this attempt to pass it through the daily sessions in our area and in other educational areas, thus promoting interdisciplinarity with other areas of the education system.

We must be aware that eating healthy habits depends on everyone, not just the physical educator. The family is even more important and this should be the first to work with the children in this regard.

We as educators will conduct a number of strategies or methodologies to help foster and reinforce what parents worked at home. Some tasks or activities that we raise in our classes are:
- Information activities which teach students the food pyramid and the importance that they should have different foods for the student, with particular emphasis on those that we consider healthy like fruit, and rejecting those that are harmful such as the pastries.
Alongside this, we will emphasize the importance of food for health: both for sports and for daily practice, remembering the possible problems caused poor nutrition.

Through games we can work habits. The Fourth International Congress and XXV of Physical Education held in Cordoba presented a number of games that we will quote below:
A child is the left (it will be a "little bit" of excess body fat) and must catch the rest, who must avoid being caught for not having excess body fat. When a child is caught becomes free fat too. Those who are not caught, they will avoid that excess body fat negatively affects health.
This is a task-oriented knowledge by students of the importance of avoiding excess body fat. As previously worked there related concepts and declarative knowledge by children in this regard, we ask questions like, What happens in our body if we "caught" the excess fat, and what diseases are associated with excess of fat? What can we do to avoid excess body fat? What consequences can have on health? These questions also help us to "orient" the task, the students themselves will be in a position that they must flee the excess fat, for example.
As in the previous game have been affected by excess fat and want to get rid of it, let's do playing with "magic disks".
There will be a circuit with different posts, each of which must have a ring (we can put them on the floor, use the basketball hoops, hang the goals, etc). Teams, each of the components attempt to enter the Frisbee on the ring at the lowest possible number of pitches (attempts will join each of the components in each of the slugs).
The fewer releases do much better, we'll get rid of more fat (always bearing in mind that fat is a nutrient necessary) and will be healthier.
Through this work we want the students, based on what has been learned in other activities, internalize the need for physical activity as one of the control elements of the excess fat and understand the harmful effects it can have on the health. To do this, we ask questions such as What can we do to avoid excess body fat and its impact on health? What physical activities can make to be in good health? What characteristics should perform activities that are healthy?
After explanation of appropriate proportions of each nutrient in addition to the hoops and Frisbees used in the previous game, leave other material for the play area (the rings are carbohydrates, fat discs are the strings and make the times of proteins). Form teams, and the signal must collect as many nutrients as possible (rings, discs and strings) without forgetting the percentages needed to develop a healthy diet. Each of them can pick up a single "nutrient" every time. You can play making computer components go hand in hand.
With this work we intend that children understand the importance of proper nutrition, and thus only able to cover their daily needs and ensure a good development and a better quality of life.
The questions we pose can be oriented in this direction, what are the types of nutrients that can be found in food? What are the functions of each type of nutrients? What are the appropriate percentages of each nutrient you should consume each day? What does carry out a balanced diet in quantity and quality? Are they all equally important nutrients? What nutrients should be taken every day and what not?
4. "I WANT TO 5 A DAY":
After all that physical activity has gone a bit hungry and we will refresh ourselves to continue working and benefit from the positive effects of physical activity on health. For this, we will opt for a very healthy alternative for lunch recess and in general all day taking "5 a day" (in line with the campaign that advocates the daily consumption of at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables).
All children in a circle within a ring, but one that is inside a ring in the center of the circle. Each of the outsiders will have the name of a fruit or vegetable (say 3, 4 or 5, based on other children in the class, so that fruit and vegetables has been repeated). When the master name of these fruits or vegetables, children should have changed the ring, when the center will use to get into one of the rings of the circle. Anyone who spends more than three times the center will not meet the "5 a day" and your diet will be affected.
This task is aimed at learning the importance of eating fruits and vegetables as an essential part of a healthy diet, for its low calorie content and its high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
In connection with this task, we can ask questions of the students and what are the fruits and vegetables? What are the fruits and vegetables? Do you think they are important? What are the benefits to health? What are vitamins and minerals?
These activities can help us develop the habits we want to instill in our students healthy habits that will try to convey to our students through the game.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Food habits of physical and sports practice

    Dietary habits, no doubt, are one of the most important in school age. The need for the child to cover all their nutritional needs is the main objective to get everything you want later. In physical practice sports have all the nutrients in the body is essential to avoid potential problems such as: dizziness, fatigue, tiredness, etc..
  Food is important for subsistence, but food intake does not mean you make good food. There are nutritionists and specialists who have more knowledge on this subject and come to them must be the priority if we see something wrong with feeding our children.
  The importance of creating healthy eating habits in physical education will benefit our students, but should be at home, and parents, the first who should consider this aspect to avoid diseases or disorders such as:
- Obesity: Avoid excessive consumption of sugars, fats, alcohol and sports.
- Disease of the circulatory system: Reduce intake of foods rich in cholesterol and fatty meats and cheeses, eggs, animal fats and oily fish.
- Cancer: Do not use oils that have been used several times and smoked foods. Stimulate bowel movements, eat foods high in fiber ...
- Bulimia: The person has episodes of binge eating, followed by a deep sense of guilt and sense of loss of control.
- Vigorexia: A condition characterized by the presence of an obsessive preoccupation with the physical and body image distortion. Addiction to physical activity.
Deficiency Diseases:
- Anemia: Take foods containing iron, such as red meat, legumes and eggs.
- Hypovitaminosis: Eat well with vegetables, fruits, milk and raw foods.
-Goiter: Consuming iodine in the diet. It is very abundant in seafood (fish and seafood).
  These are some of the diseases or disorders that are related to food. In our area we can help promote positive habits power but it's become apparent that this aspect should be treated in the family and if necessary with the help of nutritional specialists or psychologists. 

  In the next article we'll see what we can do from the area of ​​Physical Education to work on these aspects and help the playfulness of physical activity to instill healthy habits in students.

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Practice hygienic habits of physical and sports II

    In the previous article we gave a little touch of the hygienic habits that our students should have. On this occasion, we will focus on how to work directly with them in our area and how we inculcate these habits in our students, here are several suggestions:
- The student, after sports practice should change clothes and bring a toiletry bag with a personal towel, to wash. With the end of the session that will give each student a few minutes to go to the service grooming and inculcate these habits in this way in it.
- In our area we also have to instill in students an important practice in daily work such as washing hands, as a measure to prevent infection. At the end of the session by explaining the importance of washing hands and at the end of these sessions will go to wash them. This will help make the practice as at home everyday and so can perform the same way.
- The clothing for physical education classes must be sportswear, spacious and comfortable, that does not provide the student with a disability to cope and move during activities that are performed.
- For hygienic habits can also understand not only care habits of care staff but means, the social environment (city) or natural (field). Work with lectures by the consequences that may bring to littering and waste both.
- Use the toothbrush in some sessions would be another contribution to create healthy habits in children, especially when these sessions take place after the recess where students tend to eat snacks.
- Hydration is also important after physical practice sports during the task the student removes liquids that are necessary to recover from this.
These can be some of the hygienic habits we can work from the area of ​​Physical Education. These routines generated from home and continued in the classroom the children believe in self-confidence to interact with others.

sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011

Hygienic habits of physical and sports practice I

    Physical activity provides and makes our students participate in a series of hygiene. Hygienic habits pretend to be enduring over time.

As for the hygiene habits are going to name the following:
- The hygiene of the body: We understand all that personal hygiene has to do with the student body, such as: daily cleaning with a shower or brushing your teeth daily (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).
After the physical activity is necessary to shower, but if this is not possible, at least change his shirt and wash your face as a secondary measure in case you can not use the shower immediately.
The hygiene is very important, and preventable diseases such as any type of skin infection, colds, cavities (in the case of not brushing teeth, etc.).
- The dress: This is another very important element, physical activity must be conducted with appropriate clothing, understanding proper sportswear tracksuit and running shoes suitable for physical activity. Along with these elements is important clothes, socks, sweatshirts, ... we use, as some materials more than others and perspire more recommendable course that best transpire. Then we will see some materials that are manufactured sportswear and which are best and worst:
- Cotton (CO): A natural fiber. Cotton is a breathable material, very resistant to wear and abrasion.
- Shirt: This is a modern high-tech fabric made of polyester or polyamide. The endless fibers are worked one at a time to form threads. The rain and wind that hardly cross this tissue but leaves the body sweat sweat well. Micro parts are extremely left sweating and light and soft, while resistant.
- Polyester (PES): Polyester is a synthetic chemical tissue completely. It occurs in different structures and densities, and usually blended with other fibers. The polyester is suitable especially for sportswear, swimwear, dresses, suits, ties and underwear.
- Polyamide (PA): The chemistry of synthetic fiber nylon is usually mixed with other tissues. It is resistant to tears, just wrinkles and dries quickly. Polyamide is normally used for swimwear, dresses, blouses and shirts and waterproof fabrics and filling.

Variety is the spice, prices vary depending on the materials with which the clothes are manufactured. Some materials are designed to be used for certain sports activities such as skiing, where the garments are made of polyamide.

The issue of hygiene and physical education is very broad and extensive, so we decided to give this little touch. In the next article we will see how we can work on creating hygiene.

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

Benefits of physical and sports practice

    The PE teacher will be responsible for creating in our students the habits mentioned in the previous article, this training is essential for students to achieve the objectives sought.

The sports physical activity provides a range of benefits to our students, the first and most obvious, refers to beneficial habits that have to do with health. Then we will analyze how physical activity affects their health and provides effects in different organs and systems:

Physical activity influences on health:


- Increase muscle mass (greater force).
- Increased amount of tendons and ligaments (higher tensile strength).
- Increased coordination and joint mobility.
- Delay muscle fatigue.
- Strengthening of the bone structure.
- Prevents atrophy and obesity.


- Increases the cardiac cavity, ie the size of the heart.
- It thickens and strengthens the heart wall.
- Decreases resting heart rate.
- Improves blood supply.
- Reduces the risk of heart disease.

- Breathing broader, deeper and faster.
- Lungs especially the alveoli become dilated.
- Increases Vital Capacity (High respiration).
- Increased perfusion capacity. (The air travels more lung space).
- Increased Lung Capacity (Improve inspiration and expiration).
- Increase the efficiency of the respiratory muscles.
- Improve oxygen uptake and CO2 elimination.

- The Vegetative Nervous System: There is a balance between the sympathetic (accelerator) and parasympathetic (Restrainer), reducing levels of anxiety and aggression, promoting vital functions.
- The Central Nervous System: There is a progressive decrease in the effort required to perform physical activity. Improving the gestures, movements, ultimately there is an automation of the year.

- On the endocrine system, improving the stimulation of hormones.
- Social and psychological effects, increases self-esteem, motivation, reduce stress and so on.
- Improvement in overall metabolic functioning.

All of these health effects do not stop being an orientation, which aim to improve and even less in the primary stage but obviously if we work indirectly.

Primary work in a general way, without being our main objective to improve the physical condition of our students.

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

Healthy habits of physical activity in primary

    Primary Physical Education gives students a series of healthy habits through physical activity and sport. During these days we will see the different contributions of physical activity in the physical and personal development of our students.

   Physical activity at school level provides a set of habits in our students: physical habits, hygiene, food and posture.

   How general analysis we will explain each of these habits and their importance to our students:

- The physical habits make a clear reference to the physical activity itself and what it can provide to our students. We will see the benefits to physical, psychological and socio-emotional and above all the importance to overall health.

- With regard to hygiene habits, will see the importance of hygiene in the sport and how we can work on this in our area.

- Food or eating habits are very important when it comes to sports. In our area we encourage the practice of healthy eating and healthy, providing the body with the nutrients needed for practice, and how to avoid eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, to name a few.

- Also work postural habits and the importance this has on Primary and amend the sooner the better conditions possible for our students.

   Primary physical activity is of great importance, not only at the motor or the promotion of values ​​but a half to avoid disruptions in our students and the teacher must be aware of it, be formed and act accordingly.